Age of empires 3 asian dynasties download torrent kickass

Description > Age of empires 3 asian dynasties download torrent kickass

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This new edition of the franchise adds the possibility of playing with different Asian empires in order to take control over the continent. Play as Japan, China or India and complete their campaigns to learn about some historical events that marked the dynastie of these countries. This new expansion adds more diversity with new units, resources and civilizations that will increase the amount of strategies and styles during the game. Three new factions A new continent implies new people and donload of doing things. The addition of new civilizations enlarges the possibilities during the gameplay with new units and different methods of achieving your objectives as well as more resources. The three new factions, Japan, China and India, incorporate unique soldiers like the Ikko-Ikki, the Shaolin Monk or the Gurkha. China has the highest population limit, 220 points instead of the 200 kickass ones. They can create blocks of different types of units that will be ready to fight. Certain Indian troops can ride elephants which make them fearful opponents. Villagers of Japan cannot hunt or harvest but they can build shrines in which all these downloads are made automatically by collecting resources. Modes and novelties This new dynasty includes new game modes for multiplayer such as King of the Age consisting on defending a territory against your opponents, Regicide, about killing the enemy monarch or Treaty which grants you some time to build up your army to win the game. Exportation has also been included as a new resource. With this one you can obtain different empires thanks to external influences and also new neutral units to fortify yourself. Alternatives If you torrent real time strategy games you can try to defend the Earth against the enemies. In case you prefer historical based games you can try. In The Asian Dynasties you will have to create new strategies and take kickas the continent to rule them asian.

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